Get Your Story Nailed!

Get clarity and confidence so you can consistently communicate your story with POWER by using our tried and tested STORYSTEPS

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Why I think you'll love StorySteps

‘StorySteps’ - Our tried and tested process to help you nail your PR story

Introducing our fabulous mini course - StorySteps - our fast track way of getting you PR ready - by getting your story straight first!

So many entrepreneurs we come across are passion and purpose fuelled - they have INCREDIBLE businesses doing AMAZING, often LIFE CHANGING work. They have quit the corporate rat race to instead do something that comes from a fire in their soul...but guess what....they're still playing small....

Is this you? Are you familiar with these problems??

  • You KNOW you have more to give but can't get to your next level of impact or income?
  • You are driven to do the work you do, yet you're not reaching enough people?
  • You feel uneasy shouting about the impact you make and it takes others to celebrate you to get your message out there
  • You are not getting chosen in the sea of coaches - others are - but you know you have more to give!
  • Clients you have love you - but you need more of them!
  • You don't see how you are ready to harness the power of PR

These problems stem from ....

  • Not owning your mission and message with 100% conviction
  • Not having a consistent message that is consciously crafted to use on repeat
  • Not owning the bigger picture impact you are having on the world
  • Not engaging with your audience on a personal level

StorySteps is here to fix all this!

As you work through the exercises in this mini programme you will go from feeling unsure and uneasy about how best to communicate who you are and what you do, and you will move from overwhelm and confusion to owning your message feeling confident and excited about sharing it. You will KNOW you have a story and will have embraced its power, even if right now you feel you have nothing to say, nothing to offer OR if you feel you have too much to say and don’t know how to make sense of it.

Here's what we've pulled together for you!....

You’ll get a resource bank of video training material, downloads and workbooks plus feedback and support in our Facebook group with guidance from myself and my team as you work through the actionable 4 steps to Nailing your PR Story with tasks that help you master bringing each element out.

It's all about the 4P's.

Module 1 - The 1st ‘P’ of our 3 part process to nailing your PR story - Personality.You’ll unravel what parts of YOU you need to bring to the party and get super clear on your key values to communicate

Module 2- The 2nd ‘P: PassionYou’ll connect with and learn how to concisely communicate your mission that’s driving you

Module 3 - The 3rd ‘P: Purpose: You’ll get super clear on the job you’re here to do in the world and will nail an intro that helps you excite others about this

Module 4. Turn your story into a PR Pitch (you’ll be ready by then!) We bring it all together in a media intro which is a synopsis of your story and what you have to offer - this helps magnetize not only the media, but also your ideal clients -boom!

*PLUS Power Bonuses*:-

* What the Media REALLY want - Your Essential ‘Get PR-able’ Checklist

* Media Bio Questionnaire (editable PDF and downloadable workbook)

* How to Write a Media Bio Video Training

* How to Plan Your Personal Brand Shoot

* Top Tips to The Press Saying Yes Masterclass

If you're feeling like you’re not clear on how to communicate your story this in turn makes you feel that you don’t have one that’s worth telling, or the overwhelm feels so great that it gets avoided and avoided...if you are not connected to your story no-one else can be, and then they can't connect with you...

And here’s the doing this you are cutting yourself off to opportunities. You are blocking yourself from making the real impact you could be.

And it sucks.

That’s why I created StorySteps.

If you're an entrepreneur on a mission who hasn't yet nailed this - this is EXACTLY where you need to be, to get moving towards your next level of business success! xx


"Jo is an absolute master of storytelling. She gets that people love people and the psychology behind why storytelling is so powerful. She's trained in my masterminds for years and it's a joy to see her unravel angles and create mission messages that really help the incredible female entrepreneurs that we work with step into their power!"

Niyc Pidgeon, Hay House Author and Positive Psychology Coach & 7 figure business owner

"Thank you for bringing my story to life - you dug to help me find angles I didn't even know I had...and made sense of the million and one angles I did have that didn't connect - know it all flows and I stand proudly behind my mission message - this feels SOOO good and has without a doubt helped me grow my business at a supercharged rate"

Louisa Herridge, ex -teacher turned Founder of Mamas Ignited, Best Selling Author and Positive Psychology Coach

"You helped me make my story count. My past trauma 100% drives my passion for my business, but until I worked with you I was unable to share my story. I was scared, nervous, confused as how to position it -but since embracing it, owning it and sharing it through PR my business has gone from a passion project to me being fully booked with my dream clients - I get to change lives everyday and I will be forever grateful"

Hannah McKimm, Trauma Recovery Coach

"My business would not be where it is today turning over nearly £half a million having started from nothing just 3 years ago if I hadn't committed on day 1 to getting my story straight. I knew I had so much to share and knew this would be a core driver for my business but knowing how to share it in a professional manner is something else. You guys put me on the right path, and continue to keep me on it - love you!"

Dani Wallace, Founder of I am The Queen Bee Movement and The Fly Anyway Foundation

Your Instructor

Jo Swann
Jo Swann

You're in safe hands! Jo is an award winning PR Director, on a mission to empower more female entrepreneurs, helping them unlock the power of telling their story. She believes your story needs to be told and is here to help you do just that. With experience of working with the likes of Whistles, Yo! Sushi and Dale Carnegie, Jo has big names under her belt, but her passion now is in helping small business owners, female entrepreneurs particularly - and especially those lacking a bit of confidence.

Having lived through her own journey of overcoming Imposter Syndrome she is on a mission to help other women see what incredible messages they have to share, to stop them wasting time hiding like she did!

With newsdesk and magazine editing in her CV Jo understands how PR needs to work from both sides of the desk - and this is invaluable.

Course Curriculum

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