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Dare to Be Seen
Module 1: Hello! Welcome & Onboarding (approx 60 mins)
Welcome! Start Here! (5 mins)
Our Promises to Each Other (5-10 mins)
Your PR Dreams (30 - 40 mins)
Your Success Path (10 mins reading. Ongoing actioning)
Module 2: Am I PR-Able? (Approx 45 mins)
My Beliefs and Fears, Angles & Approaches (15 mins)
Let's Make You PR-Able - Podcast Episode (26 mins)
Module 3: What is PR? (Approx 60 mins)
What is PR and why should you care? (30 mins) (31:17)
PR Vs Advertising - Understanding the difference (5- 10 mins)
The Importance of Telling Your Story (5 mins) (1:50)
PR in Practice: The business benefits of PR (4 mins) (3:08)
Why does it matter to you? (10 mins)
Module 4: Finding Your Story (2.5 hours)
What's A Story? - Layering the Hooks
Finding YOUR PR Story: Media Bio Prep
What's Your Story - Your Sensecheck
Your Media Bio - what will it look like?
Module 5: Know Your Media
Getting to Know Your Media Part 1
Getting to Know Your Media - Part 2
Recognising a Story
Online News & Fast Track Coverage Opportunities!
National Press who write about Entrepreneurs & Women In Biz
Module 6: Your Routes to Press & Creating Your Content
The Press Release
Your Press Release Template (19:58)
The 'So What?!' Test (5:16)
Pitching to the Press: Journos are Human - Mostly! (6:00)
Your Email Pitches
Pitching for Podcasts - The One Sheet
Awareness Days - Your Best Friend
Module 7: Book & Podcast Launch PR
CONGRATULATIONS!! Your Launch Press Release
Specific Media to Target
Your PR Dreams (30 - 40 mins)
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